This is the Tide Art Gallery

Pictures posted up to March 28 1999

 The older Tide pictures. There are some nice ones here!

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 Real Books 1: Real

Oh, yes! The youko bites on a silken nice! This is another one of those 'most gorgeous covers' you sit and look greedily for a long time. From RealBooks 3: Real (letters removed).

For those that don't know, 'Real' is Seono Shou's new circle, the successor to Tide. Different name, same wonderful stuff.



Tide's La Vie en Rose: Kurama and Hiei 

Kurama and Hiei against a lush background of red roses. This dj cover is somewhat iridescent in person, and is one of our favorites.

From Tide's La Vie en Rose. And if you haven't seen the charming French film, 'Ma Vie en Rose' ('My Life in Pink') then run out and rent it quick!



Kurama from Real Books 1

A nice full-figure Kurama from RealBooks 1. The complete cover (letters removed) is on the right.

Kurama: 25K

Cover: 78K
 Kurama and Hiei from Real Books 1


 Kurama pastel from Real 16 back

And one of our favorites, a very soft and delicately-colored Kurama with rose petals, on a background of shadows and light. This is definitely a 'mood' picture.

From the back cover of RealBooks 16.


Kioku no Umi fire and water kiss

From 'Kioku no Umi,' our favorite panel. This is the 'fire and water' version, so you can see how their hair is intertwined at the top. From a line drawing by Seono Shou. 37K

 TIDE Eyes of Corruption: Hiei at bay

Hiei wounded, from the cover of Eyes of Corruption. Though not exactly a sweet picture, it is quite a nice one of Hiei. 64K
If you have time and patience, here's a better version--it's large because there are a lot of different colors in the background, which the thumbnail doesn't really show. 173K

 TIDE: Hiei with ragged cape

Hiei with a ragged cape blowing around him like wings. A simple and very pretty picture from a Tide cover. We just framed it. 121K (again, lots of muted colors drive the bandwith up).

TIDE Kurama with doves 

Companion piece to the Hiei with ragged cape, a Kurama with doves. Hiei seems to be the one that got away. ^_^ 61K

 TIDE 'I Want You So Bad': K and H with green scarf

A cute picture of K and H entwined in the same scarf. Hiei is rather darling in his too-big shirt. This is from the cover of I Want You So Bad.
It's a massive 201K, again because of the many colors.

 Kioku no Umi cover

The cover of Kioku no Umi, although it's a scene that never happens in the dj. Maybe the youko is symbolically fishing Hiei out of the Sea of Memory. 56K

 Youko from Fortune

The youko holding some forbidden fruit. From a bw line drawing in 'Fortune,' a Tide story that will be coming soon. Close up, it's really very pretty, nice clean lines. 40K

Tide: Where do you keep a Chibi Hiei In case you missed it in the Chibi Hiei Gallery, here's Youko Kurama with his Chibi safely stowed in the locked and upright position. 50K

TIDE Dream Tale 2: Youko w purple flowers A delicate and pretty Youko Kurama with purple flowers. The colors in this are really nice. From Dream Tale 2. 87K


 Note on the stories, translations, and images to be found here:
don't steal them! We worked hard on them, and we've done our best to make sure that only people of the appropriate age see them. Enjoy them all you want, but don't take them and post them publicly without permission. Because if you did we'd have to come after you with a Very Large Stick and list your name in our Hall of Shame and do other terrible things you don't even want to know about.

If you want to post a story or image on your page, email us and we can talk.


More Tide art to come!

Yumegatari by Tide


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